Hi, I'm Rahel

I'm a second year student at Caltech. Most recently over the summer I worked on applying neural networks to astrophysics — check out my GitHub repository and view the slides. Moreover, I'm passionate about quantitative trading, software engineering, and machine learning.

Feel free to check out my social profiles or contact me:

Email: rrjoshi [at] caltech [dot] edu


Summer Undergrad Research Fellow (SURF) @ Caltech

ML to emulate black hole x-ray spectra

May 2024 - August 2024

Anson L. Clark Scholar

ECG sonification development
1 of 12 scholars from 700+ applicants

Summer 2023


Physics Engine

Developed a custom physics engine in C from scratch for simulations and game development. Implemented forces, collisions, memory handling, and more. Created demos like N-Body, Frogger, Pacman, and Space Invaders.

Tech Stack: C, GitLab, Emscripten, SDL2

Path Finder App

Designed a campus map app with real-time route visualization. Uses Dijkstra's Algorithm, heaps, and hashmaps to find shortest paths between buildings. Interactive features include location search, zoom, and drag.

Tech Stack: Java, GitLab, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, OpenStreetMap

Movie Finder App

A movie search tool with title autocompletion using a custom Trie data structure. Displays summaries, cast, and ratings. Efficiently handles metadata for quick, accurate searches.

Tech Stack: Java, GitLab, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, IMDb Dataset

ECG Sonification

Converts ECG signals into audio to detect heart irregularities in real time. Signals collected via AD8232 and Arduino, then processed (FFT, Wavelets) for noise reduction and wave amplification.

Tech Stack: Python, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, SciPy